16 Ağustos 2012 Perşembe

El Altı Notları

Çok unutkan oldum bugünlerde herşeyi unutuyorum ne yapmak lazım bu durumda herşeyi yazmak lazım :)

1. Connect Server with SSH (Mac/Linux)
Copy .PEM file to the machine from which you are going to connect.
Make sure permissions on .PEM file are appropriate (chmod 600 file.pem)
Connect with ssh command: ssh vcloud@ipaddress –i privkey.pem

2. Find Folder Command in Linux

find / -name 'httpdocs' -type d

3. Zip a Folder in Linux

zip -9 -r zip file folder name

4. Delete Non-empty Folder in Linux

rm -rf folder/

5. Creates new JAR (Java Archive) file named Project1.jar, compresses and stores Project1 directory and all its contents (including both data files and subdirectories).

jar cf Project1.jar Project1

6. Jar file in Linux

jar xf

7. How to Unzip Over an Existing Directory in Linux

Read more: How to Unzip Over an Existing Directory in Linux

unzip -o filename.zip -d dir

8. If it’s available a ssh access on the servers, using scp to transfer file from and to the server could be a very good option.

scp /localdir/localfilename.txt remoteuser@www.remotehost.com:/remotedir/remotefilename.txt

9. Wget is one of the powerful tools available there to download stuff from internet. You can do a lot of things using wget. Basic use is to download files from internet.

wget -c http://your-link-to/file

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